Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Value, Values and Valuation!

Well, I am as young as the average age of this country. Where are people in my generation leading to? How many of them are behind false glamour in life? Is life all about glamour? Are we camouflaging ourselves under the name of comfort and glamour and forget the common sense? There is an urgency for everyone to prove that they are better? Do you think, they are proving that they are better to themselves, are they proving that they are better from what they were yesterday? Or, are they proving that they are better than the others?
Well, its human nature to compare! People compare themselves with their peers, friends, relatives, neighbours-- and comparisons always happen on the apparent things like the status, the designation etc. To prove the point that people are in a superior status they showcase themselves explicitly glamorous in all possible way, right from the dress people wear, the car that they drive, the count of girl friends they have, and in worst case they make their spouse as commodity to show that he has married a beautiful wife or she has married a rich guy. And in the course, the guiding principles in life is lost. Are these things mortal? Or the change that we bring to the world in good would be mortal?
Most of the current generations are hyped by the stars from the glamour industry. The Movies, Tele-vision programs, Advertisements thrive only on glamour. Sadly, those self proclaimed God-mans who are supposed to have denounced all things in life too, to sell their concepts and market it, use glamour. Not only the current generation has lost themselves in the glamour but they are spoiling the new generation too.
To show the status, people go to the extent of spending all that they earn-- not the current earnings, but the earning that they would make for next 20-30 years. Credit is good for the economy to grow, but not for the individuals. Credit used for business will help the business to grow, Credit used for education will help the individual to get the immortal knowledge, but credit got for glamour-where does it go-- no where but that it vanishes, get disolved into our ego.
My boss, a profound thinker, use to say, that one should increase his value by strictly adhering to one own values and by this the valuation automatically increases. Whereas, in common, people think they increase their valuation by comparing with others, and by showcasing the glamour they discount all the values in life and never realize that their value finally become nothing.

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Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Light at the end of the tunnel

This one is ofcourse copied... Source unknown...

My desk... Clean desk policy

Recently, i have started to re-kindle my interest on drawing. My small time, timepass. Some sketches that takes 3-5 mins. Few of them are my own creations, some are copied....So due credits given to original thinkers....

Thursday, March 18, 2010


Early morning today, I had a dream. I and my friends are playing in a lush green open ground. The image was so vivid… so something made me to draw this cartoon… in the board near my desk….