Thursday, October 20, 2005

Self esteem Vs Ego

My frnd asked me what is the difference between selfesteem and ego.. the following were the reply i gave...

Self esteem is the opinion you have of yourself. It is based on your attitude to the following:

"How you think others see you"

this thinking makes you to ask few further questions and your subconcious mind prepares the answer for it....

You value urself as a person based on how others think of you.

your confidence builds on the value you get on yourself

you value the importance of the job you do based on how others think of you

Your independence or ability to stand on your own feet depends on the job you do

Your potential for success depends on the independence you have

Your strengths and weaknesses is decided by your potential to success

Your achievements will depends on the strength and weakness you have

Your purpose in life has a meaning on the achivements you get

Your place in the world is decided by the purpose of your life

Your social status and how you relate to others is decided by your place in the world

So self esteem is important...

the difference between self esteem and ego is...

making others think good of you is self esteem and how the hell he can think low of me is the ego!!!

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