Friday, November 14, 2008
Some one line lesson: The story of a fox
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Some oneline Lesson: My brother rejoiced that I conquered Death
Lesson 2:
This, in fact is a very small story but with profound meaning that I read couple of days before.
Beggar: "Can you spare some old clothes, if you could!"
Me: "Certainly I could, but why don’t you come tomorrow?"
Beggar: Dejected and returns
My brother: "Wow! My brother has conquered death! He is certain that he is going to live tomorrow. He has asked the beggar tomorrow to collect the old clothes"
Bull’s eye!
Monday, September 22, 2008
Some One line Lessons: How long was Ambani’s beard?
Lesson 1
Suddenly out of the blue he stopped me and said, Karthik, you have not shaved. It was wired- I was presenting him the case for the first time and he commented that I have not shaved. Was wondering, if he ever turned his ear towards what I said. But was careful I didn’t show any facial expression. I just dismissed his comment by saying “No time Sir” and started with the next highlight. He laughed cynically. I wondered if I made a grave mistake in the highlight. “Pardon me Sir, have I committed some mistake”, he replied “No, No nothing- was just wondering how long beard Ambani should have grown” Ambani the most successful business man in
I realized 24 hours is common for all. The only thing that matters is what we prioritize and how better we utilize the allocated time.
Subconsciously Conscious
I am riding my bike from my house to office. A distance of 14 kms in Chennai. There was a heavy rain in the morning and its drizzling now. The roads are drenched with water and made it impossible to identify the pits and the holes in the road.
I am taking my regular route to office today. The drizzling is getting heavier as a rain and I could hardly keep my eyes open to see the traffic. A new car overtook me but started to slow down and it went below my average speed and its blocking my way and to ride slow is a pain. I decided to overtake the car. The car driver sensed that I wanted to overtake him and he isn’t happy about it. He accelerated but I am no one to give it up. We were almost at same speed, accelerating and were neither of us could overtake each other for about a hundred meters. Out of the blue a van came in the opposite direction and I sensed that he is no mood to slower down and wait for us to pass through. The danger is approaching. I need to take a quicker decision. I am going at 60. The road is no good to go more than that. The van is just a 20 mts away. If I apply the break, then I loose to the car and probably some vehicle behind me in the road may hit me. If I keep the same speed, I can make sure a bed is ready in near by hospital. Ten meters ahead I saw a small pit on the left, if I overtake the car by a meter, then the car may not wish to go over the pit, it’s a new car and the driver is a chauffeur and he won’t dare to make the care dirty when someone, a lady is at back seat. I accelerated to 70kmph for just a sec and was ahead of him by a meter or more the car slowed and I made a mirror S cut and overtook the car. All this happened in matter of three to four seconds. After crossing I was wondering how was it possible for me to decide that if I sped some more at that particular point of time I can overtake the car and save my life and as well as to satisfy my ego of overtaking the car? Did I make any analytical calculation at that point of time? Was my action scientific?
Yes I had made a calculation and yes my action was scientific. But did I make the calculation after realising the distance accurately? Did I make my action scientific after analysing the calculation? It took me nearly 10 minutes to write whatever crap is written above. It would have taken at least 10% of the time to describe this orally to some one which is 1 minute. It would have taken half the time if I do a mental calculation after realising that it’s a calculation. But the whole process is over in couple of seconds. Then I realised that when one starts riding a bike or any vehicle for the matter of fact, one’s subconscious mind calculates all these kind of calculations and stores it. To take a decision, there was some order from somewhere and I obeyed it. Where was this order from? Why did I obey the order? It was the subconscious mind that makes the order. How did it know correctly that I can over take? How did the actual data like chauffeur driving the car, the pit in the left of the road, the rain, the speed, the van opposite direction were used? Any other guesses….?
Friday, September 19, 2008
Hindu Rituals- An Economic balancing Act- turning sour
Well! Call me an atheist for the views expressed, least bothered!
What is economic balancing?
Isn’t Economic Balancing is an act of channelizing certain money flow from the rich to poor? This was never better done than that was followed in the Hindu Rituals. As an example, the daily rituals- bathing idols with various liquids including water, scent, yoghurt, ghee, honey, mixture of fruits, tender coconut, decorating with flowers. Those who needs something-unfulfilled, those who has sorrow, those who has committed sin and want to lessen the burden, does these rituals. They donate money for performing these rituals in various temples. Who are those people with unfulfilled desire, those with full of sorrow, those with disease, and those who have committed sin? Though not everybody, but mostly those who are well to do have these attributes in common. Those who have money have unfulfilled desire, since unfulfilled, their heart is full of sorrow and some money is always earned by doing some or other sin (maybe a minor or major) and it’s needless to say disease is an uninvited guest with being rich.
By practicing these rituals, they keep their faith on “God” and because of doing these rituals they believe that the “God” would be pleased. And this “God” would, as a return of favour of accepting these rituals, would fulfill whatever they have asked for. Does it sound funny? I would rather say, whosoever has recommended these thousands of years before is a real intelligent and have philanthropic attitude.
If you would carefully watch the things that are used for these rituals are those that are manufactured or traded by small time business people or poor people for their daily life and earnings. These things would not cost a heaven. And last but not least, these rituals are done daily (by someone or other). Those who are well to do purchase these commodities there by the sales is ensured for the daily business people. These things are offered to “God” and distributed as a token of God’s gift to all people in the vicinity. By this the poor business people gets business done, poor people who do not even have food are served with food. A nutritious one with fruits, honey, milk, yoghurt, rice etc.
Does “God” fulfill the needs by performing these rituals? Yes and No. God is highly rational. God never gives anything to anybody nor takes anything from anybody. There is no discrimination (but now don’t ask then why there is a poor and rich).So God is not human to be “pleased” by the rituals and “return the favour”. So he doesn’t fulfill the needs because of rituals. By putting God within quotes, I emphasize the misunderstanding people generally have. God is God and not “God”. But, by keeping faith on “God”, those who perform these rituals pass the burden to some arbitrary and start concentrate on whatever they have to do. And because of the faith and because of channelized concentration, they get their desire fulfilled. But a new desire is also created with that, that’s nature-isn’t it?
But why to pass the buck on a ritual? Isn’t it falsehood? Does Hinduism preach false hope? No! Hinduism knows the mentality of human being. Human beings are so selfish to part with their money. Unless some benefit is created, even you and me, wouldn’t spend the money-would we? An arbitrary benefit is created and thus the money is circulated.
Now don’t you agree whosoever have formulated those rituals are genius? Aren’t they a real Economist?
But is this globally applicable? How long would this technique be valid? I bet, yes wherever human beings are there, until human beings don’t despise free lunch, until human beings are becoming selfless, this technique would hold good. It’s eternal!
If so why am I worried? Is it not all for good? Yes it is all for good. But at some corner of my heart, I do see some wastage. My village is about 20,000 families. It houses some 50-60 temples of various deities. Small and big, old and new -all mixed. I happen to know small information that on a day to day basis some 10 lts of milk is being given for bathing the idols per large/old (“powerful”) temple. And there would be5-6 such temple in each of the village. On an average a temple would be getting 300 lts of milk. Added to that not less than 200-300 lts of milk is used for special days and these special days comes at least two to three times a month. So for a month, considering the minimum, a temple gets around 500 lts of milk. Sad part is all this milk goes to drainage and is not consumed by poor people. At the best, the priest steals it. In either case, the purpose of creating the ritual is lost-not the ritual-I meant the “real purpose” This is the case of one temple. So the considering remaining temples, large temple would consume 3000 lts and other temples would consume 20-30% of large temple averaging to another 1000 lts. A village of 20,000 people wastes 4000 lts of milk per month. Just convert that for the whole state and then to whole country? Doesn’t the figure is sounds too alarming?
Friday, July 25, 2008
Some funny posters....

In the name of God.....What a waste??
In the name of god, we do the most atrocious things in the world. It, at the first place, not even considered as a sin. To me, anything not done in a just way is Sin. Many things may be politically right but factually not just.
Recently, there was a temple that was constructed in Sripuram, Tamil Nadu for goddess Lakshmi with an investment of Rs. 600 Crores approximately $150 million in a 100 acre of land. The temple is constructed with gold and copper. It is a marvelous contribution for art. One who goes to the temple need to walk for a long distance and it is good for health. Lot of parks and plantations are planted in100 acres of land. It is a good place for tourists.
With all the goodness said above, I have some basic question.
~ In India is there a scarcity for religious worship places or a proper school or proper hospital?
~ In India is there a scarcity for religious rituals or proper education?
~ In India is there a scarcity of architecture or shelter for poor people?
~ In India is there a scarcity of opportunity for poor people for doing business or opportunity for rich people to go to religious places?
With Rs. 600 Crores, one can build 600,000 primary health centers, or 600,000 primary schools, or quality education for 6 million people or good food for loan 6 million people for starting up their business or a mixture of it.
Will God bless you by building a 600 crore temple or by building schools / health centers/ feeding poor?
………….what a waste of money!!!
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Accept me as I am

If you accept me for what I am, I shall marry you... else forget it…the she says to the he and for the he, the phrase is bewildering.
“Accept me as I am” is a commonly uttered phrase from most of the single women of these days when something is discussed about matrimony. I wanted to understand what this phrase means to them and so I enquired some of my friends who happen to utter this phrase.
“I am not willing to change myself for the sake of some unknown person who happens to be my spouse”.“Why should I change, why not he change as per my way of life?”“I have been brought up like this for past x years and so I can’t”“I will not allow the man to be chauvinistic, and I would prove what women power is; after all if he wants something from me, then it is given only in my way”
What an interesting response, interesting perceptions, interesting way of thinking? Of course, few of them said it for the heck of it has it became a kind of fashion statement. To all of them my reply was just “oh good!”
How oxymoron is the phrase when this is expected out of a marriage?
Are they searching for someone who can be a really better half? I am worried; they shouldn’t finally convert the would-be-better-half to a bitter-half.
If she is brought up for past x years like that, so is he. If she doesn’t want to change for the sake of some unknown person who happens to be her spouse, so is he. And finally, marriage isn’t a trade that she sells something and expects something in return!!!
Should someone shout so loudly that marriages is best of compromises to become best of compliments?
Sunday, March 16, 2008
மனமது செம்மையானால்
மனமது செம்மையானால் மந்திரங்கள் தேவையில்லை- அகஸ்தியர்
அச்சரப்பாக்கம் அருகே உள்ள தத்தாத்ரேயர் கோவிலுக்கு இளைப்பாற சென்றிருந்தேன். அங்கே கோவில் கட்டுமானப்பணி நடந்துக்கொண்டிருந்தது. அப்போது அந்த கட்டுமான கண்கானிப்பாளருக்கும் குருக்களுக்கும் நடந்த உரையாடலில், கண்காணிப்பாளர் கட்டுமான பணியை செவ்வன செய்யவில்லை என்பது புரிந்தது. அவர் குருக்களிடம் ஆசீர்வாதம் வாங்கையில், அவர் "மனமது செம்மையானால் மந்திரங்கள் தேவையில்லை" என்றார், என்ன ஒரு முதுற்சியான ஆழ்ந்த அர்த்தமுள்ள வாசகம்?
நம் மனமது செம்மையானால், மந்திரங்கள் தேவைதானா? இதன் நேர்கூரக மந்திரங்கள் கூற கூற மனமது செம்மையாகுமா? ஆகுமானால் அம்மந்திரங்கள் எவை? எவையோ அவை அறிந்து செம்மையாக்குவோம்....
Saturday, March 08, 2008
அறிவு : wisdom
அறிவும் அறியாமையும் அற்றது அறிவு
following is the meaning:
"அறிவும்" the knowledge of unwanted things,
"அறியாமையும்" not knowing needed knowledge
"அற்றது"the absence of the above both
"அறிவு" wisdom
The absence of unwanted knowledge and absence of not knowing needed knowledge is wisdom.
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Mission: Johny Walker
I want to keep a target that is double the suggested distance so that I mentally prepare for the challenge and at least cover what actually is required. Easiest choice would be Cape comorine, southern most tip of India, a distance of 670 Km from Chennai. I conveyed this Idea to my parents, friends and colleagues. My boss jocularly called me, because of this mission, as Johnny Walker. Thus I named my mission too as 'Mission Johnny Walker'. Friends and colleagues asked if I am insane to take up such a mission. In a way it is insane to walk alone for 670 Km on a National Highway. I never had any such experience or long trekking. But experience isn't from birth; it’s gained by doing something.
The mission is not for any weight reduction but to train my body for some serious steps that I am going to take once I complete this mission. The one who suggested me have been on a similar trip up to Kasi via Mantralayam and Shiridi, a distance of more than 3000 Km and a trip for more than 6 months. Body weight does not reduce immediately but this would help to build the immune system and remove the waste liquids from the body.
I planned to start the mission from Maraimalai Nagar, 30 Km away from my house. I split the trip into five stages. Stage 1 to reach Mailam (90 Km by day 3), stage 2 to Samayapuram (250 Km by day 8), stage 3 to Madurai (400 Km by day 13), stage 4 to Thirunelveli (540 Km by day 17) and stage 5 to Kanyakumari (670 Km by day 20).
As this is my first long distance trekking, I was not sure whether I would be able to walk such a long distance. But I need to accomplish the minimum target of suggested distance which would be covered by end of second stage. I don't have any immediate cognizant results from this exercise as I have been already informed that weight won't get reduced and the pain and miseries keeps increasing. However, I believe in the long run, it would increase my will power, stamina and bring in some discipline. I have to only depend on my will power and stamina to complete this mission. I am going to get a rich experience, a big challenge.
I started this mission on 20th January 2008 at 7:09 hrs after giving my prayers at Nagavalli Amman temple, Maraimalainagar, the place where I was brought up. On day 1, I was pretty enthusiastic and I walked nearly five hours at a stretch to cover nearly 20 Km. It was a good start and I appreciated myself. I completed my Day 1 trip by reaching madhurantagam, a 40-44 Km away from the start point. The sun was scorching, the heat started to surpass my shoes and affect my foot. My foot started paining, calf muscle got strained and thighs swelled. As thighs swelled, it started rubbing each other to develop calluses. On Day 2, I felt the pain of Day 1's enthusiasm. I changed my strategy to walk only 2 hours at a stretch and take rest for minimum 15 to 20 minutes. However, the effect of Day 1 continued and I walked like a limp. By Day 3, I reached my stage 1 target but ended with legs and thighs full of blisters. On Day 4, every step I kept, the blisters pricked and bursted to wet my socks with its serum. The second target was rather reached with much of pain and will power.
Though I walked on National Highway, I don't dare to walk on the road as the vehicles were speeding at 100-120 Kmph. There were no proper pedestrian walking passages, so I have to walk on the loose sands, gravel etc by its sides. Up to stage 2, the roads were under construction. It was a boon in a way but there were few disadvantages too. The boon is I could walk on the road without fear of speeding vehicles. But the disadvantages are like walking on loose gravels reduces speed, one would run a risk of spraining as balance might be lost etc.
Eight days passed since the start. I reached my second stage. With the joy of surpassing second stage, I started walking swiftly forgetting all the pain. Whenever the pain mounted, I would call someone at home or some friends to divert concentration. I used this opportunity to call my office to check the status of the jobs delegated. Sometimes, I sang some songs, chanted slokams etc., too. By this, for that time, I forgot the pain. When I was too tired to do even that, I would have some tea and discuss with the shopkeeper about some useless stuff and spend time.
Walking like a gypsy, I became swarthier. Hands and face got sun burns and my lips become dried and chapped. Knees become stiff and were inflexible. For each step I have to keep, I have to swing my body left to right and right to left so that I can walk without folding much of my knees. Early hours of the day (first 2 hours) the average speed would be around 6 Kmph and which would get reduced to 4 Kmph by mid day and 2-3 Kmph by end of day. However because of knee problem, the midday average speed of 4 Kmph got reduced to 2.5-3 Kmph and by end of day, it would be 1.5-2 Kmph. With average of 8-10 hrs of walk per day, I would approximately cover nearly 30-35 Km. At intervals, I take rest at road side shadows, tree shades, temples, tea shops etc. When none of these are available, I have found shades to rest such as big pipes kept for transporting water, rain water underpasses in the road and bushes near hills.
I am nearing my Third stage. It was early morning, a car crossed by me at approximately 120-150 Kmph. It was too near and the new vehicle moved without making any noise. On a sudden movement of a body by me, I jerked and lost balance. Luckily, I fell on the opposite side and I am alive today to be left with leg a sprain alone. But the sprain was severe. For the first half an hour, the pain did not worry me. However, after that, it started sending a current of pain through out my right side of the body. I need to cut short for that day trip and take rest and massage my legs to ease the sprain out. Though the effect of sprain got reduced, my ability to walk such distance drastically got affected. my daily walking distance reduced somewhere between 10-12 Km. My target for third stage got delayed by nearly 3 days and the pain started growing slowly over these days. I consulted a doctor on my way and he warned me, that this is going to aggravate if I am going to continue any further.
Though I was happy that I surpassed my aim of second stage and reached third, I was bit dejected that I didn't make up to five. However, It was a great learning, great experience. I have crossed nearly 350 Km by foot which I never imagined that I could do it alone and which none of my friends or relatives or family member have done it before. A sense of accomplishment filled me in. A challenge for my stamina and will power and accomplishment as proof to myself. I have lost nearly 3 kgs and an inch in waist. Though this is for the short term, in long term it is going to be helpful.
Some memorable events:
On day three, there was a guy who followed me. He should have followed me for couple of kilo meters. He was just few metres behind me. He stops whenever I stopped, he rests whenever I rested. I laughed. It was early in the morning. He doesn't seem to be a danger. If he is, I had a confidence that I could take on him physically. I stopped, turned and went to him and asked where he is going, where he is from. He is a poor guy, working in Chennai in a roadside hotel as a cleaner. He was 'sacked' from his job and now he is returning to his village, 300 Km away from Chennai. He had Rs 10 with him when he left to his village. He had traveled in bus with that Rs 10 and reached as far as he can and started walking from there. He had started walking, on the day before I started my trip, from Chengelpet. It is about 18 Km on my way from the place where I started walking. Since he did not have any money left, he had not eaten for past 3 days. To reach his village, he has to walk in the same route until my stage 2. Though I can give money for his food and take him along with me as I could get company for walking, it would be too harsh & selfish. I got a ticket for him and gave so that he reaches his family.
On day five, after walking nearly 20 Km from the morning, I saw a bus stand and I thought I could take some rest there. When I was about to enter, I decided not get in as the place had pungent urine smell and saw some dry shits. I immediately turned away but there was someone inside that. With a curiosity, I wanted to see who it was. It was a very old lady lying there. She should be more than 80 yrs of old. And immediately I realized that she should the reason for the smell. I was not sure, whether she was alive or dead. I went to her and called and asked whether she had any food. She doesn't seem to have had any food for days and my guess was correct. She mumbled something but all I could hear is some low whistling sound. Unfortunately, there is no hotel nearby to get some food. I got her some biscuits, bun and some water and gave her. She is staying in the bus stand for past two months after his sons expelled her form their house. Some passer-by, like me, would give her some food. And unfortunately she didn't have any food for past 3-4 days. I gave her some money but she could not cross the road to get the food. But I already have given the money to her and it may serve no use. Then I went to the shop and gave some money to the shopkeeper and requested him to give her some food at intervals whenever he happens to cross the bus stand.
On some day, during the trip, I had walked for nearly 20 Km. after that, I couldn't find any place to rest or to take food. There was neither a tea shop, nor any houses nor any pedestrian (but for heavy vehicles speeding by) for almost 3-4 hrs and walk a distance of 11 Km approximately to see house and 1-2 Km from there to reach a tea shop. On that day, I have to walk without food and water until three in the noon.