Friday, December 30, 2005

Escape from being raped-Expect the unexpected

Warning: This blog was written with good Intentions. Please read with open mind

It was a tea time. My friends and I sat with the Business Line newspaper and a cup of cardamom tea. The news in the cover page of Business line read that the Karnataka Chief Minister Mr. Dharamsingh has announced that securities were in high alert.

I was saying to my friend that “we wake only after an incident happens” and I was also discussing about the latest rape and murder case on one of the BPO employee in Bangalore.

The discussion slowly proceeded and my friend said “There is no possibility for a single man to rape a lady without any other means such as rope, handcuffs or some intoxication. Unless the woman assents with or without her interest it is not possible for man to have sex with her.”

I have never thought about it previously. After some cogitation on how a beast in the form of a man could rape a woman, I started animating the sequence of actions if such a rape has to happen.

Following were the line of thoughts:

If that beast has to rape the woman singly, either he has to threaten that he will nab her belongings or kill her with any instruments such as knife etc, or kidnap her to a lone place where she might not find anyone to help her and then tease her that there will be no one to her rescue and she doesn’t have an option but to satiate him.

A woman would not allow the beast to rape her just for her belongings unless it is too valuable at that point of time. Probably she may be afraid of being killed. (We have few cases were the women suicides after being raped. If that is the case, she shall attempt to defend. Probably she might have won the fight or got killed. If anyway she is going to die, it is better to be got killed in a fight rather than suicide). In all the cases she reaches a breaking point where she comatose and become placid for the beast to satiate his sexual pleasure

Envisaging that a woman is raped by a beast without using any external contrivance such as handcuffs, ropes etc, he has to spread himself on her after spreading her leg and holding her hands. Even if he manages to do so, she still have her teeth to bite him and will be in a position to twist her body left and right thus not allowing him to proceed. Thus in all the cases which is reported as rape, she should have been probably got frightened and become placid. It takes hours to becoming physically exhausted while it takes comparatively very less time to get mentally exhausted. Equally a beast in the man doesn’t live such a longer time. Thus a woman can get rid of this beast if she has grit and willpower.

Only when the beast uses external devises such as handcuff, rope or make her unconscious by some intoxication etc, or if it is more than one person a rape can happen.

Why this blog on such a nasty topic?

As a matter of fact, I have never thought in these lines. I was in thinking that a beast in form of man can rape a woman singly and thanks to the movies. But I understand that woman become placid upon reaching the breaking point. The duration of reaching the breaking point depends on the woman’s willpower and grit. Similar to me, there may be very many women whom may not know this.

A beast attempting to rape without any contrivances would do only when there is a sudden ill thinking that arise in his mind. Had it is been pre planned he would have probably arranged for all the contrivances, which is not the situation we are discussing here. When such sudden ill thinking arises, he makes a plot very quickly. This means his mind in tranquil state. Whereas the women in prey becomes tensed and mind gets blocked which is the first step for loosing herself. She could win the fight if she has enough grit. Physical strength is actually not necessary. Mental strength is what that matters.

I think we feel it’s uncouth to discuss these in public. Hence there is a little awareness on how to escape from such kind of accidents. If every women envisage such situation mentally, and would clarify any doubts regarding this to their close friends or relative probably we may avoid such accidents. Probably few women can make a role play amongst them to encounter such an unforeseen incidents.

Beasts in the form of men are to be blamed for such incidents. Though we have to collectively fight against these anti-social elements, it is better for us to be precautious. As it is widely said “self help is the best help

Friday, December 23, 2005

Time: Change

My friend and I were discussing about our change from atheist to theist. She asked me the changes that happened. The following were the reply I gave to her. I thought of posting and hence this blog.

I followed blindly whatever was taught

Until my age of twelve, I never analyzed anything and blindly followed what my elders in my family have taught. My uncle (Chitappa) thought me to pray for the well being of all. My father guided me to pray for honesty. My mother guided me to pray for my well being. I religiously followed all the three. I had a fear of god rather than devotion. I was afraid that if I do something wrong, god will punish me. I was careful in all my activities.

I renounced Idol worship:

At the end my twelfth year, I had upanyanam (a ceremony supposed to be held for all male to have brahmopadesam). I was thought how do perform my daily rituals. At age of twelve, I was interested in sports and games rather than these rituals. My father worked in shifts, so I performed my daily rituals only when he is at home. I skipped many sub-parts of the rituals. I was cheating myself and my mother (because, she doesn’t know what I am supposed to do). Whenever I don’t do my rituals regularly, my mother would threaten me that if I don’t do my nithyakarma (daily rituals) I will not be blessed by GOD. That was the first time I started thinking IS GOD EGOISTIC? Why does he will not bless me if I don’t do my rituals properly? What about those who are not in my religion? They never do these rituals. Does that mean GOD will not bless them? My mother then taught me to pray to Lord Ganesh to avoid any hindrances, Goddess Saraswathi for wisdom and Goddess Lakshmi for wealth and so many other deities. There is some reference that there are some 33 million deities in Hinduism. I was wondering why there should be 33 million deities in Hinduism, whereas there is only one in other religions. On serious analysis, at that age, I came to a conclusion that, all the images and names of these deities, irrespective of religion, were given by us. Thus I renounced Idol worship. I just prayed. This didn’t last for long.

I declared there is no GOD:

Few months after my upanayanam, I happened to meet my father's friend who is an atheist. It was some festival day. I guess it is deepawali. There was some discussion and the thread slowly moved into existence of God and the discussion suddenly changed into an argument. But my father’s friend didn’t want to have the argument and to stop it, he asked me show him the GOD for him to believe. (In later part of my life, 99% of the atheist, I have come across; ask the same question to prove God does not exist). For him he just wanted to stop the argument, but that made me to think. I could not accept the defeat. I wanted to show him the GOD. How do I show him the GOD? I myself haven’t seen Him. But why I haven’t seen him yet? I believe my mother as mother, only because she was told so. But I don’t know whether I was really born to her. There are scientific methods for that to be proved, if required. Similarly is there any way to prove that God exists and created these entire universes and whatever you and I can guess of? If I can see my mother or father but why not god? If he is so merciful, then why doesn’t he come before me? Why everybody pray to god?

Most of the slokas for e.g., Purushasuktham , when i learnt the translated texts, it does not give a great meaning. It just portrayed how Purusha will look like, when one gets a darshan. Lord Vishnu was narrated with human body parts. In Vishnu Sahasranamam, he was called with 1008 names. I started wondering whether God is egoistic? Why would he want everybody to praise him? If at all he really wants so, what is the difference between the mortal person and Him? I could not find an answer. I became an atheist (Probably an easier way to avoid mind blowing questions). I claimed myself to be the member of the elite team of modern thinkers, who claim the non-existence of God. I sported sacred thread (Poonal, a thread sported as a sign of upanayanam) only to satisfy my parent’s requirement. I went to temple just to satisfy my parents.

Am I alone?

At my age of 15, I was about to give my public exam. I was very average student. I never thought I would be successful in my public exam. After giving the exam I was worried that if I would pass the examination. What would happen if failed in my examination? I realized I waste my time. I should have studied well. If I have the same time now I will do my real best. Can I bring back the time. I wanted someone to help me. But who is there to help me? Who is that person? Neither my parents nor my friends nor any living being can bring the time back for me to read well and write the exam. Then I wondered who controls the time? Who is that controls the destiny? I am the one who controls my destiny. I am the one who controls my time. But I cannot repair my destiny or the past time. I wanted some one who could help me in repairing my past. There is no one to help me. Am I alone?

Time Factor:

I started analyzing when time started? Logically there should be an origin for anything. If time had origin, then what do we call period before such origin? Doesn’t that also form part of time? Then I understood time doesn’t have an origin or end. Something flashed me; Shiva does not have an origin or end. Does Shiva mean the name of a Hindu deity? I looked up the dictionary. The word Shiva has many meaning. One such meaning is period. If after all I could not understand time, then for sure, I have not understood God.


My friends celebrated my sixteenth birthday in train. An old man in the train asked my age and i gave it. He commented that Japanese, count their age from their origin (I don’t know if it is true or not). But I was wondering what he refers to as origin. He meant that, they count their age as number of years from their birth and add a tentative period of in womb. It is ridiculous as it is very tough to calculate that. But the point to be analyzed is I had an origin. It resulted because of the biological intercourse of my parents. And similarly the loop continues to the first human being. Science says human originated from an ape, and the ape from some other species. Science could penetrate enough to say that the first life formed because of some scientific reaction. It gave the explanation as how the scientific reaction took place. It explained from where various elements to the reaction came from. How galaxies were formed. How first life originated. But it was to an extent. It could say there are various galaxies. And each galaxy is result of some scientific reaction of huge volume of gas, dust and heat. And the galaxy got separated with the application of their individual force of attraction, called as gravity. But where is the origin of these gas, dust, gravity, heat, space? Is there any limit for space? Is there any limit for heat? Is there any limit for time? They neither have origin nor end. But something is controlling everything.

Realization of vicious circle:

I realized I am not alone. Someone / something is with me. My language and thinking capacity is limited so I say there is someone / something that controls. But there is another question, if something/someone controls everything, which controls that something / someone. Where is the origin of that something / someone? Now I have got into a vicious circle. No answer.


I sometimes also wonder why there are partialities. In case of twins for whom all the biological factors were similar, the external factors were similar, but end up two totally different personalities. Why is there a partiality? Is it because of the balancing of virtues and vices they have done? There are some cases where, amongst twins, one is healthy and the other die of some deficiency. In that case, where is the question of virtues and vices? Is there any left over balances of virtues and vices in previous birth? Is there any concept of previous birth? Should I believe it? a) Yes. b) No. Is there any one to take account of these balancing? Is someone / something taking control of all these?

Possible Stands:

I can take two stands. A) There is nothing or no one to control everything but control alone exists. B) There is something / someone to control but could not understand who / which is that.

Results of my stand:

  1. If I take the stand A that there exists no God and does not attempt to substantiate my stand to myself, I stand to loose from the benefits in knowing God.
  1. If I take stand A that there exist no God and does something to substantiate my stand to myself, I either stand a chance of shifting to stand B or to go stronger in my stand. But that doesn’t give any benefit to me but for growing stronger in my stand.
  1. If I take a stand of B that god exists but does no attempt to substantiate my stand, I still stand to loose from the benefits of knowing God.
  1. If I take the stand of B that god exists and also attempts to substantiate my stand, I either stand a chance of shifting to A or go stronger in my belief and reap the benefits of knowing God.

Blame it on God:

In an all positive thinking, if god exists, and I too believe his existence, and in an attempt to substantiate my stand to myself, if I realize who god is, I reap the benefits of knowing the God. Hence I started believing existence of god and finding means to substantiate my stand to myself. Now as a starting point I have started to shoulder everything that is above my logical analysis as God. God controls this universe, galaxies and that entire thing which is above our control and imagination.

Back to square one

By the time when I wrote this blog, its been more than 13 years and I have come to a full circle. I realised why there is an element of "God". I realised why idol worship makes sense. I realised why those supposedly mundane hymns and verses of slokas actually make sense.  Unfortunately all of these no one can explain, it has to be experienced. Until one has it as a personal experience, no amount of logic or arguments can explain.

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

I heard her!!

Hearing her voice makes me to rejoice

One word form her, fills the air with myrrh

I close my eyes to reprise

My voice go bleak, I stumble to speak

Am I appalled? No I am enthralled!

Her silky voice gave me no choice

To say it as sweet won't be a replete

How do I describe, yes! Its brings a musical vibe

Whenever she meets, in the retreat,

Heavens opens up as if it’s a feat

I caution my heart, to keep apart

Does that behoove? Time would prove!

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Am Miles Away Smiles Away

Day in day out a distant thought
Makes my feeling at fraught
Yearning to be back home!
It’s raining there I smell the loam

Came for a while, traveling miles
Gone with the wind all my smiles
Am shackled here finding no way back
My life here is turning black

I keep counting the days down!
The date loops back for me to frown
My thoughts are flying am sighing
Am Miles Away Smiles Away

Monday, November 07, 2005

Good god how much I love her!!!

All the way along my way
The moon was smiling through out my day
Not the one in the sky
But it’s the girl on my side.

Not in the world,
But in the universe,
A lover like of mine
Is hard to find!

Never in my childhood
I believed in an angel
Even I was in fear
All that I am saying is
Before seeing her near!

Men laughed at back
When I showed her
And said she’s my lover!

What the hell is there
In bone and skin
All are foul, they don’t know
All I love is her soul!

She is a friend,
She is a lover,
She is a kid,
She is all that I wanted to find!

The more I know her
The more I wonder
Good god how much
I love her!


Fair or dark is she, I don’t know it clear
Her voice was sweet, pleasant, soothing and dear
Did she sport a dimple?
All I know was she was simple!
In her silhouette I found a light
Her eyes that twinkled was bright
I don't know where I met
She would be precious for me to get
She carefully avoided looking into my eyes
Though I couldn’t take off my eyes
Sun is Scorching outside while I am
Shivering from her freezing eyesight
When she called my name
I realized my name got a new fame!
Did I hear to what ever she said?
What she spoke, only god knows!
I gave a weird smile! Listening the music of her voice
Are you wondering? But I din't had any other choice
Will she frown? No! She dint let me down.
She took my hand and held it safe
Sorry blame my memory, I couldn’t chase
Gone deaf? Gone dead?
All in vain! Nothing goes in my brain!
Where am I? Who am I?
Oh my god! What’s happening?
Got a reply!" Son you are in heaven"
I rolled left and fell from bed
Everybody woke up hearing my scream

Thursday, October 20, 2005

Self esteem Vs Ego

My frnd asked me what is the difference between selfesteem and ego.. the following were the reply i gave...

Self esteem is the opinion you have of yourself. It is based on your attitude to the following:

"How you think others see you"

this thinking makes you to ask few further questions and your subconcious mind prepares the answer for it....

You value urself as a person based on how others think of you.

your confidence builds on the value you get on yourself

you value the importance of the job you do based on how others think of you

Your independence or ability to stand on your own feet depends on the job you do

Your potential for success depends on the independence you have

Your strengths and weaknesses is decided by your potential to success

Your achievements will depends on the strength and weakness you have

Your purpose in life has a meaning on the achivements you get

Your place in the world is decided by the purpose of your life

Your social status and how you relate to others is decided by your place in the world

So self esteem is important...

the difference between self esteem and ego is...

making others think good of you is self esteem and how the hell he can think low of me is the ego!!!

Monday, October 03, 2005


I don’t have much time to write a full length review.. so let me give a kutty review…


A Story line borrowed from Christopher Nolan’s Memento. I have not seen the film memento. And hence I don’t know if ghajini has lived upto it. Murugadoss need to be applauded for his direction and story telling. While Asin and Surya needs to be appreciated for their contribution to the film. Surya needs to come out from the nanda style starring and walking with his raised shoulder. The way he runs and fights are not much different from that of nanda. Asin has done a neat job. Nayantara has total sothapified her part. Probably she need to go for gym regularly to keep her fit. She neither could dance, nor cud run, nor could show some facial expression. And kevelamana dressing sense. Particularly the X-matchi song is total sothapified. Harris Jeyaraj has not done a great job but for 2 songs. Asin cud have been introduced in any other better rather than the stereo type song intro. At least the director cud have zoomed out of the song as an advt shooting which would have made it a bit natural.

The expected flaws, which the director did not do are, 1. the villain having an eye for nayanthara and hero saving her scene.. 2. the hero finally falling in love with nayanthara…3. making the hero to change the get up on and off….. 4. showing that surya was arrested by police at the end….

the flaws which the director did are.. 1. selection of nayanthara for that character. 2 the song x-matchi.. 3. introducing double action in the last, 4. when nayanthara escapes from the villain factory, making the whole laborers to chase her..5 In spite of 100s of person chasing her, the auto driver did not mind why they were chasing and just took her out of the place… 5. Matrix effect in fighting

First half of the movie was ok.. but the second half prolonged… and final fight was bit boring

Enough of films we had based on problems with brain.. now this is third in row…. Following chandramukhi and anniyan….

Harris jayaraj has sothapified totally few songs resembles songs from anniyan too… and hamma hamma from Bombay… and the BGM was horrible….

A touching SMS from my frnd

Share a thought of love
with me my friend.
Dream a life of
together with me.
Keep that twinkle in your eyes,
which made me mad.
Keep away those tears,
which makes me sad.
Be my partner at
the shores of loneliness.
Give me a new
definition of happiness.
Hold my hand during
the journey of life.
With our hands together,
every sorrow we will survive.
Hurt me, tease me,
and make me cry.
But in the end give me
a shoulder on which I can cry.

Thursday, September 29, 2005


Flavor: -

Yesterday after long hours of work reached home by 11:30. While eating, I started to browse the TV channels. In star Movies, a movie named flavor was telecasted. The story is based on 4 Indian families or group of friends working in US. Probably, there would be 12-15 characters. I will not say the movie was amazing but I laughed my stomach out and it was refreshing. The Indian accent of English, and ppl trying to make themselves as American wereas beautifully depicted.

A guy (lead role) is about to marry an American lady (jenny). His parents have come from India to attend the marriage. The feelings of parents, their behavior, their desire to take photos wherever they go, the mother's fear about the American lady whether will she be with her son without divorcing him etc, learning to send email were covered beautifully.

There was another recently married couple & the guy (Nikil) lost his job. After he has been laid off, he sends an adieu scolding his boss, and deletes all the technical folders mercilessly (That was practically shown) and the height is the facial reaction of other Indian GIRLS when he moves out of the office was excellent. These girls saw him as a piece of shit. This guy's spouse (sangeetha) is a house wife and she does not have any work to do... she keeps cleaning the house, stow the books and magazines etc. every 10 mins she adjusts the flower vase on the tea-table... the height of vettiness was well shown. GIRLS beware of marrying a US guy and being a housewife... ulaga maga vetti.

In another gang, 3 guys are staying with a girl (candy). This girl is employed and her company provides the accommodation. She sub-lets the house to the 3 guys. Typical girlish stuff. She write "Rules to be followed" and pastes it in the door. And amongst the guys 2 were jobless and 1 (Vivek) was just asked to move out of job (Not fired). The attitude and having beer at late nights etc were good...

Yet another 3 character were there, Karthik, rachana, and ramana. Karthik and ramana are in west coast and this rachana is in east cost. Karthik and rachana are frnds on phone email and chatting.... ramana is filthy rich guy want to marry rachana and Karthik is in love with rachana. And this lady goes behind ramana for money...but later, turns to Karthik... the emotions and feelings were typical Indian...

As a whole the film was an entertainer and brought laughter. I felt better after the day long work... :)

Thursday, September 22, 2005



After a long time, I went for swimming. The pool is not too big. I guess it should be a 30X20 mts pool. . It is in level 4 of my office tower. Though I have not self-learnt swimming, I could not swim smoothly. I have a problem in breathing. Guess it is the fear of drowning in the water. On land, I can hold my breath for more than a minute. But in water, I could not even hold it for 10 seconds. I made three full laps but it was not continuous. I took a long break at every other end of the pool. I knew, I have to be bit slow and rhythmic in swimming. But once I give a push and start, I only concentrate on my suffocation and loose the rhythm. Practice makes perfection. I have to be bit regular in swimming. After 3 full laps, I guess, I got some confidence in myself. In the last half lap, I went comparatively slow and peeped my head out of water as a duck and breathed. But that is wrong. I shall concentrate on my breathing style. My immediate concentration will be on breathing techniques and increasing the number of laps.